Value Drivers
The value of XTPL results from the potential of the unique technology developed by the company and from its intellectual property systematically secured by patent applications.
The potential of intellectual property is primarily determined by the level of revenues estimated on its basis, expected after the implementation of the company’s solution on the market in individual application fields to which the company directs or will direct its offer. In addition, XTPL’s value is also influenced by: the size and predicted growth rate of target markets, the number of application fields and their diversification, and the value proposition dedicated to each of the markets. Due to the platform nature of the technology, allowing its effective implementation in many application fields, the company’s potential is significant.
The long-term goal of XTPL is to achieve the position of a globally significant technology company, providing dedicated solutions and supporting its business partners to achieve technological and competitive advantages that will allow them to more effectively manufacture modern new generation devices.