XTPL intends to commercialize its technology in many segments of the broadly understood printed electronics market. According to IDTechEx, the value of the global market of printed, flexible and organic electronics was USD 37.1 billion in 2019. In 2030, the market is forecasted to grow to USD 74 billion, with a CAGR at 6.5% in 2019–2030.

Chart 1:

Value of the global market of printed, flexible and organic electronics in 2013–2019 and the forecast for 2030 (USD billion).


Source: IDTechEx

The Company has chosen application fields for commercialization at the current stage of development, and focuses its efforts around these fields:



(repairing broken metallic connections in thin-film electronic circuits – open defect repair)


Defects in conductive structures (broken metallic connections) are a serious challenge for manufacturers from many industries. The defects are one of the reasons for dead pixels occurring in high resolution matrices. The technologies for repairing these structures available in the market today have serious limitations, are complicated and costly. The XTPL nanoprinting technology will enable open defect repair already at the production stage, reducing costs, ensuring precision and speed that none of the existing methods can offer.




Smart glass is designed in such as way as to change transparency depending on the degree of external illumination. The technology developed by the XTPL allows ultra-thin, invisible structures with excellent conductivity parameters to be precisely printed on glass. The main benefit expected after potential implementation of XTPL technology in the production process for this sector is faster conversion of glass from light to dark and vice versa, which will significantly improve the usability of this type of products, and will open the door for manufacturers from this sector to new, previously not supported market segments (e.g. automotive).



(the project started in Q1 2020 concerns semiconductor components present in lighting devices)


The company conducts R&D works in the field of creating ultra-precise conductive connections for semiconductor components present in lighting devices with one of the world leaders of this market. The lighting industry has been moving towards increasing the use of light-emitting semiconductor materials that convert electricity into light for many years. They are used in LED and OLED lighting. XTPL can have a significant role to play in this regard.

An important element that fosters development of the electronics market is the growing number of new applications of printed, flexible and organic electronics in various fields. Ultimately, the company will seek to ensure that its technology can be used in many existing areas of the printed electronics industry or – thanks to the unprecedented precision of printing – will lead to the emergence of new areas within this sector. The essence of the technological revolution resulting from the use of XTPL solutions is that it is to enable production of complex and complicated devices using cheap and scalable methods. Subsequent, already identified and pre-verified application areas include:

  • display market (in addition to the above-mentioned use for open defect repair, the next step is to provide the industry with solutions that will significantly increase the resolution of a new class of displays and enable production of displays on flexible substrates)
  • semi-conductors market as an alternative for photolitography
  • PCB (printed circut boards) market
  • security printing market
  • biosensors market
  • photovoltaic cells market

All the company’s R&D work takes place in Poland. Commercialization will be primarily focused on markets of North America (mainly the United States) and Asia (China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Israel).