The global sector of printed electronics is eager to test the XTPL technology

IDTechEx, a British market research company, asked businesses and R&D centres operating worldwide in the printed electronics industry about the XTPL technology. The results show the scale of interest in the Polish invention – 78.9% of respondents can see ways to apply this technology in the global sector of printed electronics and 57.6% declare they would like to make use of it in their organizations.

The survey covered 339 respondents from 310 enterprises and research centres from the printed electronics industry all around the world.

Though the market of printed electronics is still in its initial development phase, the potential is significant. The report titled Printed, Flexible and Organic Electronics 2015–2025 predicts that the average annual growth in 2015–2025 will reach 8.6%. IDTechEx estimates that its value will spike from USD 29bn in 2016 to USD 70bn in 2026.

Businesses operating in this market are constantly seeking new technologies that will allow them to improve their solutions. One of technologies they may find useful is the method of printing ultra-thin electrically conductive lines, as developed by XTPL.

IDTechEx’s survey indicates that enterprises and research institutes from the market of printed electronics perceive the huge potential of the XTPL technology with respect to its possible applications and show great interest in this innovative solution.

· 78.9% of respondents can see potential applications for the ultra-fine printing of nanomaterials (the XTPL technology) in printed electronics
· 57.6% of respondents are interested in using this technology within their organizations
· 38% would like to test the samples or devices enabling the use of this technology within a year
· 50.3% assessed the XTPL technology as valuable or very valuable (4 or 5 points on the scale from 1 to 5)

The survey results allow XTPL to start advanced business development activities aimed at commercialization of its technology also outside the sector of TCF (Transparent Conductive Films).

The huge interest on the part of the market players and the high evaluation of our technology confirm our great opportunity to enter the sector of printed electronics. The market is keen to test and apply our method of printing nanomaterials and more than 50% of respondents declare readiness to use the XTPL solution in their own projects. Soon we will make our lab printer and nanoinks available to R&D centres and institutes so that they can produce ultra-thin conductive lines and test them in various applications, says Dr Filip Granek, CEO at XTPL.

IDTechEx is an independent research company which has been operating since 1999 and providing customers from over 80 countries with analyses of new technologies entering the market. The company’s experts assess technologies and define their growth potential.

IDTechEx is based in Great Britain and has offices in the U.S., Germany, Japan and South Korea.

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